(778) 744 - 3021
Protocols to Reduce Risks of Contagious Illnesses:
Physical distancing (2 metres) remains an option wherever wanted: in the counselling office, and in hallways. Chairs in the office have been set up to be 2 meters apart and closer, so clients can choose their preference.
Unless distracting to clients, a highly rated air purifier will run during all sessions while virus' are still a concern.
The window can also be opened during session, upon request
All counsellors wash our hands before and after each client. Clients are asked to wash/sanitize their hands upon arrival at the office and after using bathroom facilities.
All surfaces touched during sessions, i.e. light switches, doorknobs, bathroom, etc. also continue to be santized regularly
Clients have the option to wait in the waiting room or outside courtyard. We ask you arrive no sooner than five minutes before your session to reduce lobby traffic.
All payment and receipt transactions remain touchless and wireless.
If counsellors or clients have been exposed to virus' options to maintain as low risk as possible will be provided (ex. virtual sessions or rescheduling)
Risk of Cold/Flu/Covid Exposure:
While we make every effort to prevent the spread of contagious illnesses and other in our office. we cannot guarantee that you will not contract Covid or other viruses during our meetings.
Rescheduling or Moving Appointments Online:
If at any point, you decide you would feel safer with a telephone or video sessions, we will happily honor this.
All clients and counsellors are asked to continue to contact one another if they are sick or at risk of contracting Covid or other colds/flus as soon as possible before scheduled in person sessions.
Symptoms and Health Risk Assessment:
If you or any Shoreline clients/counsellors has any of the following symptoms or risk factors, we will ask to either meet online or re-schedule appointment(s):
• have tested positive for Covid-19 or had any cold or flu symptoms in the past 7 days
• have been in close contact with someone who has tested positive for Covid-19 or someone who has had cold or flu symptoms or in the last 5 days
In any of the above cases, we will waive any last minute cancellation fees.
If you arrive for an appointment and we believe that you have any of the above symptoms, or that you have been exposed to Covid or other contagious illnesses, we may ask you to leave the office, and offer to follow up via telephone or video.